
Just another weblog

Haiti Earthquake 2010 (Part One) January 12, 2011

One year ago, Jan 12, I was on my way to Vietnam.  I didn’t hear Haitian news until I arrived in Saigon which was two days later. Needless to say, the support gang and OLPC/Sugar community reacted to the news in Haiti much quicker. As I was going through my email box days later, there was a flood of emails about initiatives trying to help Haiti in all possible ways.

 OLPC and the whole world:

On Jan 26, Official letter from Nicolas Negroponte reached thousands of people who participated in G1G1  program in 2007, urging them to donate their laptops to Haiti.

Starting in 2008, OLPC partnered with the Inter-American Development Bank to send 13,700 XOs to Haiti, for the students and teachers in 60 schools.

Subsequently post-earthquake in 2010, almost 3,000 used XOs have been donated by individuals around the world. 200 of these were granted to the Waveplace Foundation in March 2010.

Dozens of millions of US dollars were donated by citizens of different countries so that Haitian people have a better chance to build a normal or better life than before.


CrisisCommons / Crisis Camps are an open/grassroots movement to use open source technologies (primarily) to help Haiti recover and hopefully later reinvent itself“. See a Video about the event that took place on Jan 16 in Washington DC, Silicon Valley and London. Our own Nicki Doiron (CMU) played important role as a Haiti Community Mapping Software Developer. Nick worked with community-informatics tools for haiti, like and

“Hey All, The site, now 30 hours old with zero sleep, is looking for help developing an API for getting input into their site, basically a POST. They have an add page but want to be able to add using a POST. Anyone who might be able to help, or who has insomnia, should write to Tim Schwartz. C.”

“Adam is correct – we ‘re absolutely swamped at the moment. Lots of simultaneous efforts-both stateside and in Haiti-going on all at once. We are preparing to deploy to Haiti early on Sunday and intend to bring three Xos with us…”

“Please now begin drafting a similar/carefule public appeal for Haiti Relief Contributors who can _genuinely use XOs for (post)disaster response, to be broadcast after midnight tonight.”

“Hi Adam, Given the much limited power and connectivity options in Haiti, I think a deployment of Sahana on the OLPCs would be valuable…. If we can get a team from OLPC to work on integrating Sahana on a LAMP stack on the new 1.5 version that would be great.  The sahana project is actively responding and you can find details (including the custom code for Haiti) here. Join us on Freenode IRC at #sahana where we are gathering to respond to this.”

Adam Holt wrote a great blog post summarizing immediate efforts

Thank you to all who helped!